About Project


What is the project about?

An EU project aiming to assist Serbia to design an efficient 112 system officially started working with its beneficiaries at the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia. The project: “Design of an efficient support system 112 for the Republic of Serbia” aims to provide the most effective recommendations for the introduction of the “ 1-1-2” emergency system  in Serbia during the next two years.

Why do we need this project?

The 112 is the European emergency number, available free of charge, 24/7, anywhere in the European Union. Citizens can dial 112 to reach the emergency services, including the police, emergency medical services and the fire brigade. The Republic of Serbia is planning to develop the 112 system in near future.

The EU supports Serbia in meeting relevant standards in the field of safety and security through the implementation of the Action plan on accession negotiation Chapters 23 and 24. This technical assistance project should create the necessary preconditions for the functional establishment of an emergency system “1-1-2 “on the territory of Serbia. 

  • Civil protection
EuropeAid reference
  • ["Implementation Chapter 1: Analysis and assessment of the current situation and identification of gaps in the fields of accessibility to emergency services and provision of emergency response services to the citizens.\r\nImplementation Chapter 2: Analysis and assessment of the current situation and identification of gaps in the fields of disaster response, emergency management system, public warning and other related fields prepared and approved. \r\nImplementation Chapter 3 :Assessment and identification of the needs of the Beneficiary in the fields mentioned in Chapters 1 and 2.\r\nImplementation Chapter 4: Preparation and provision of reasoned and competent recommendations/guidelines/technical specifications. \r\nImplementation Chapter 5 :Provision of reasoned financial estimates for the implementation of the recommendations / guidelines / technical specifications.\r\nImplementation Chapter 6 :Organization of at least five study visits to different emergency call response organizations, that cover territo
City / District
EU Contribution
1,000,000 €
Implementation period
January 2019 - January 2021
The direct Beneficiary is the Ministry of Interior of Republic of Serbia.
Implemented by
Implemented by EVOLUXER S.L. International Consulting C/Ferraz  28, 2º Izda E-28008 Madrid, Spain